facial | ADD-ONs | EYE TREATMENT | Wax




This service can be added to Deep Cleansing and Omakase Facial.  All non-sensitive skin that is sluggish unevenly textured, or acne-pones.  Get visible, dramatic result for the first time treatment. By rapidly exfoliating epidermal cells, this medium strength peel instantly unclogs pores, smooths texture, and clarifies the complexion.




This service can be added to Deep Cleansing and Omakase Facial.  All skin types and hyperpigmented, dry, dull skin.  This medium strength peel smooths and brightens skin without drying. Green tea and willow extract allow the AHA lactic acid to exfoliate without irritation.




This‎ service can be added to Deep Cleansing and Omakase Facial.  All non-sensitive skin types.  All natural, herbal blend. Improved texture and tone begin to emerge, reducing fine-lines, eliminating acne, and making skin look and feel younger, tighter, and more attractive. Immediately results in vibrant, clean, shining skin.




This service can be added to Deep Cleansing and Omakase Facial.  All skin types.  This treatment uses tiny crystals to resurface the skin. It is an excellent treatment for aging and sun-damages skin, acne scarring, fine lines, wrinkles and uneven pigmentation.


Diamond Peel


This non-invasive exfoliation technique is similar to microdermabrasion.  The treatment works by removing excess oil, dead skin cells, and dirt from the surface of the skin.  This results in revealing the younger and brighter skin cells from underneath, improving the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, evening out a patchy complexion, and reducing mild to moderate acne breakouts.


Micro-Current Therapy or Radio Frequency


A safe, painless, non-surgical, non-invasive cosmetic procedure that helps tone, lift and firm sagging facial muscles back to its original position and shape. It stimulates the production of collagen on the skin.


LED Light Therapy (Red, Blue Green)


Light therapy uses different colors of light to stimulate skin cells.  Red light offers a painless, non-invasive skincare to help stimulate collagen and elastin, firm up skin, and plump fine lines.  Blue light reduce redness, treats acne by killing acne-causing bacteria, cleanses existing blemishes, and prevents future outbreaks. Green light improves pigmentation, fades age spots, sun exposure, freckles, reddish and brown patches as well as scars. Recommend with Deep cleansing facial.


Oxygen Infusion


Revitalize your skin and hide minor imperfections with this treatment that combines high pressure oxygen and a serum containing vitamins and nutrients resulting in a soothing mist that is infused into the skin.  The oxygen helps open up the skin pores to improve the absorption of the serum ingredients. Recommend with Deep cleansing facial.


*Face Cupping and Ga-Sha are also available.